Thursday, August 14, 2008

Running Slow

I went "running" by myself tonight. I went to the Nature Park, and made it twice around. I even helped some people find a campground by--get this--Running in front of their car to show them the way! Can you believe it? Me! I'm recovering for longer than I'm running, but I'm able to sustain 2 minute runs. I'll keep that up until it's easy, then I'll up the run minutes one at a time. That's the plan, at least. I'm going to try to run my first 5K in September, but only if I can get in gear and last more than 2 minutes!

For two days, I have gone into the baby's room to find Thomas sitting in the crib with William. I have got to move that dresser so he can't climb in! He's pretty proud of himself and just smiles. How can you get angry when he smiles so cutely? I just want to squeeze him and give him a big kiss!

William has started smiling occasionally. It makes me so happy to see my kids smile!

I've been able to see many other friend's blogs, and they are all so cute! Where do you all get your stuff from, and please share your secrets!

While reading my cousin's blog, I came across a link to a great mock-blog called seriouslysoblessed.blogspot. If you get a chance, take a look. I thought it was pretty funny.

1 comment:

Dawna Greer said...

Way to go, getting into a running program! That takes a lot of courage but you'll be glad you did as you recover from your delivery, etc. It will give you lots more energy. I've never run in a 5K or any other kind and have mostly given up running but I work in the yard a lot in the summer and walk about 3 miles around the mountain nearby during the rest of the year. As long as I get my heart beating hard I figure its doing good. Keep up the good work!